Chair – Waqar Qureshi

Vice  Chair – Abhinav Chopra

Secretary – Thomas Wang

Treasurer – Dan Martin

Past Chair – Doug Ray

Technical Chair – Nirmal Nair

If you are a CIGRE member and are interested in contributing/joining any one of our panels, you can contact our convener to join. Our convener would be able to help with registering onto the panel KMS.


  • Nirmal Nair – for NZ.C5 Electricity Markets and Regulation Subcommittee
  • Doug Ray – for NZ.B3 – Substations & Electrical Installations Subcommittee
  • Helen Gilbert – for NZ.B2 – Overhead Lines Subcommittee
  • Geethma Dissanayake – for NZ.B4 – DC Systems and Power Electronics Subcommittee
  • Abhinav Chopra  – for NZ.D2 – Information Systems, Cyber Security  & Telecommunications Subcommittee
  • Dan Martin – for NZ.A2: Power Transformers And Reactors Subcommittee
  • André Cuppen – for NZ.B1 – Insulated Cables Subcommittee
  • Stephen Chiu – for NZ.B5 – Protection and Automation Subcommittee
CIGRE NZ Mirror Study Committee Panels A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, C5, C6, D2
NZ.A2 Panel

A2: Power Transformers and Reactors

Convenor: Dr. Dan Martin (2020-)

NZ A3 Panel

A3: High Voltage Equipment

Convenor: Dr. Andrew Lapthorn, University of Canterbury (2022-)

NZ.B1 Panel

B1: Insulated Cables

Convenor: Andre Cuppen, Powerco (2020-)

NZ.B2 Panel

B2: Overhead Lines

Convenor: Helen Gilbert, Beca (2006-)



B3 Substations & Electrical Installations

Convenor: Doug Ray, Vector (2021-), Past Convenor: Robert Deller (2016-2020)

NZ.B4 Panel

B4: HVDC and Power Electronics

Convenor: Geethma Dissanayake, Transpower (2022-)

NZ.B5 Panel

B5: Protection & Automation

Convenor: Stephen Chiu, Powerco (2021-)

NZ.C5 Panel

C5: Electricity Markets and Regulation

Convenor: Dr. Nirmal Nair, University of Auckland (2022-)



C6: Distribution Systems and Dispersed Generation

Convenor: Waqar Qureshi (2019-)



D2: Information Systems and Telecommunication

Convenor: Dr. Abhinav Chopra (2022-)

IG1 A1: Rotating Electrical Machines, inc. D1: Materials and Emerging Technologies

System Performance

Convenor: Graeme Ancell (2015-2019)

C1: System Development and Economics

C2: System Operation and Control

C3: System Environment Performance

C4: System Technical Performance